
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Members of the Order of Malta around the world have started a Day of
Adoration on the First Saturday of each month to pray for vocations to
the Order as well as for the works and intentions of the Order and its
members.  The Day of Adoration will begin at Midnight, GMT as we have
members in numerous time zones from North and South America to the
Middle East, and continue for 24 hours. Ideally this time of prayer
will be in front of the Blessed Sacrament but realizing that this is
not always practical you could also spend the time in a Church or
Chapel before the Tabernacle or even at home if it is most convenient.
There are two ways you can participate.

1)      Make a Holy Hour at a designated time of the day and commit to that
each month. You choose and make the hour at your local time and it
will be put on the master schedule adjusted for GMT.

2)      If you are unable to commit to a regular time slot you can still
participate by committing to pray with us at some point during the

Hopefully we can have enough people who are able to commit to a
regular Holy Hour to allow for those who join in at various times
during the day to have someone else praying with them “in spirit”. By
having at least two people praying during the whole twenty four hours
we can be confident in the power of our prayers and that Jesus is
there with us as He promised in the Gospel, “For where there are two
or three gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of

Please consider joining us. For those of you who have made a regular
Holy Hour you know how powerful and spiritually enriching they can be.
If you have not done so I assure you that you will find it very
rewarding. As you consider doing this remember the words of Jesus in
the Garden, “Could you not watch one hour with me?”

If you would like to participate you can join by going to the Facebook
group, First Saturday Holy Hour for Vocations and Intentions of the
Order of Malta. If you are not on Facebook you can send me an email 

Purpose of 1st Saturday Adoration

Join members of the Order "in spirit" on the First Saturday of each month in a Holy Hour of prayer for vocations and intentions of the Order